when life feels really hard.

life has felt really f#*king shitty lately, globally and personally.

The truth is, I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. (first world problems, I know.) I haven't danced in a couple of weeks. And it's really hard to jump back in. (You know when you KNOW that something will make you feel better, yet you still don't want to do it? Yeah, that.)

I know this. First hand. And yet I named my company, my philosophy on life, actually, You Can Dance Again. You can dance AGAIN even if it's been a long time, even if you want to but don't at the same time, even if the world can feel like a cruel shitty place full of injustice.

You can rise up and dance again because you choose to. because deep down you trust that movement will shake things up and transform you. Connect you. Because sometimes it's the only tangible thing you can do. and it will lead you somewhere.

So what do you do on the day when your new You Can Dance Again website launches and you just feel like moping? Well, I moped.

and then i dragged my ass out of bed and walked to the park in the rain and danced in a fucking puddle.


(I felt the need to share it with you so I tied my phone to a fence using the cord of my ear buds and recorded, hence the lopsided video.) 

It didn't erase all the problems but it empowers me. (I got out of bed, yay!) I remember that I CAN and will dance again. And so can you. This one goes out to everyone having a shitty day/week/month/etc. Go dance in a puddle. It helps.

And if you feel called, feel free to check out the new face and contents of You Can Dance Again.

(If you also have been moping and have a sense that a supportive dance community would be the thing for you to move you powerfully through the fall, winter and beyond, join us. I would love to dance with you. There are a couple of powerful programs about to launch and they are all on that glorious site.)

in sum, we can dance again.
so let’s dance then, shall we?

in soggy shoes, with rhythm and blues,

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